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                      Successfully Signed with Zambia National Grid for SCADA/DMS/OMS/MWFM System
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                      On 2nd, July 2015, DFE successfully signed with Zambia Electricity State Co. Ltd SCADA/DMS/OMS/MWFM project joint bid with ZTE. This project broke long-term monopoly from western large multinational corporations to Zambia Distribution Automation Markets, and it is DFE’s another strategic breakthrough in Distribution Automation Markets of Southern Africa area after Western Africa’s.

                      Zambia Electricity State Co. Ltd (ZESCO) is a state electric power company, business containing electricity generation, transmission, distribution and utilization, and serving 500,000 consumers currently. We invited Zambia customer technical experts to visit DFE Distribution Automation application site in India and let Zambia customer experts communicate with India Clients on site. Experts experienced and operated our system in person, and after confirming approximate three hundred questions and requirement list on site, investigating design concepts, system core framework, software quality control and research & development process management in DFE China Head Office, they spoke very highly of DFE Distribution Automation Technology and Oversea practical application effect. Finally they offered us the opportunity to participate in International Bidding, and we won the bid after ups and downs eventually.

                      ZESCO currently possesses many independent distribution concerned systems (SCADA, DMS, IMS, CMS, DCS, and PEMS etc.)  And this project will integrate each independent system through EIB to solve isolation information issue and improve interoperability between different systems, distribution operation efficiency and electronic power supply reliability.


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