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                      Power Grid Monitoring System for Asian Games passes the acceptance check
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                      On February 24, 2011, Guangdong Power Grid held scientific achievement acceptance check forum of “Power Grid Monitoring System Construction Project for Asian Games” in Guangzhou. Chen Yong, Deputy President of the corporation, and representatives of the office attended this forum.

                      During the acceptance check, the expert team jointly considered that the system realized coordination of the main grid and the distributed grid, as well as the high-level integration and unification of information, which provided successful example for grid monitoring of large-scale power supply guarantee and power supply, so the overall results reached domestic leading level.

                      At the forum, leaders of Guangzhou Bureau expressed their appreciation towards the works done by Dongfang Electronics. The successful acceptance of this project has further established our brand, and is regarded as another successful case following the task of power supply guarantee for the Olympic Games.


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